Businesses ranging from small to large scale make use of marketing strategies that will meet customer needs and can be developed into a long-term and profitable method.
Here are various strategies that you may try for an effective result:
1. Create a social connection
Going beyond the four corners of a room is a must. Marketing must go beyond and is supposed to be limitless. With the presence of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, among others, one must establish an internet presence. The majority has access to the internet and you will be losing a hell lot if you don’t create an interactive website to connect with the people through the world wide web.
2. Emphasize your Forte
Let the public know that you‘re an expert at your business and you are the right person to go to. Share your expertise through public speaking by starting up a webinar or teleseminar. Yeah, you heard it right! Seminars through the web or through television are a great marketing strategy. It may sound pricey for a local business but this will be a one-time big-time expense but you are able to market a large volume of audience. For those that have a limited budget, online forums, community, fan pages and the like are made accessible. Make use of these to boost your credibility and value.
3. Never Stop Growing Your Network
The people are the biggest asset of a business. Expand your network of contacts and potential clients. Be pro-active about collecting names, e-mails from your prospects. You may ask your friends or business associates for some possible clients of your business. Referrals also take part in this so for more appealing and to get more prospects, offer something in exchange. It does not need to be expensive. A discount or freebie incline with your service will do.
4. Maintain Relationships with Clients
Building a relationship with a client may seem easy. Sustaining it is a lot harder. Business owners should also be extending their relationships through online forums – websites, blogs, and social networks. Be visible all the time. Make time to meet with your clients and to respond to the real-time.
5. Utilize Facebook
Facebook caters to millions of people worldwide. If you have a Facebook page, it creates an advantage for your business. Your friends can serve as prospects and possible referees. The tagging option of Facebook allows you to pass the information to others making it more popular. One good thing about it is every time one made a comment to your page’s post, it became visible to the news feed. The “liking” option can be at your advantage too! More likes mean more people believe in your product or service. It is one best way to gain popularity too.
6. Tweet It!
Twitter, on the other hand, is another venue to start marketing. By “following” your prospects, you may know their concerns, their ideal products, and their current frustrations with their vendors. It‘s a great way to get open honest market research by listening to their feedback. On this platform, you can share photos, host contests, shout out to loyal customers, have scavenger hunts, and promote events. One good colleague of mine tweet tips about the service she is offering. She posts links to the article educating her followers until such time she offered discounts that get the interest of many people.
The basic package of social media includes:
• Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/Google+ (any two)
• Up to 100 Updates a Month
• Custom Profile/Page Creation: Charges Extra
• Custom Video Creation: Charges Extra
• YouTube Video Promotion: Charges Extra
• Basic Social Media Monitoring
• Basic Reporting
If you will notice, the first one is the easiest to attain. You may focus on it and the rest will follow. Because by acquiring more customers you increase your customer base and your revenues then come from a larger base.
Since we are talking about local business strategy here, the most effective way to market a small business is to create a well-rounded program that combines sales activities with your marketing tactics. A holistic approach to marketing must increase the return of investment without needing to decrease your out-of-pocket marketing expense. This means thinking more creatively. This means you need to strategize out of the box.
And of course, let us not forget that at the end of the day what matters is the end result. Create a way to track your marketing efforts. We don’t want you to strategize and give in all effort that you can without getting the result that you wanted. You may code your ads, using multiple toll-free telephone numbers, and ask where they heard about you. You may use tools available through the web. These enable you to notice when a marketing tactic is working or not. Then that will be the time to replace the non-working tactics with a better choice or method.
Gabriella Messina is an author who has written online content on a variety of finances, loans, and f insurance topics and work for La Star Insurance.